Summary of the JNG standard chunks Name Multiplicity Ordering JHDR 1 First JDAT 1+ Interleaved with IDAT or JDAA IDAT 0+ Interleaved with JDAT; before JSEP JDAA 0+ Interleaved with JDAT; before JSEP JSEP 0-1 Between 8-bit and 12-bit JDATs IEND 1 Last cHRM 0-1 Before JDAT, IDAT and JDAA gAMA 0-1 Before JDAT, IDAT and JDAA iCCP 0-1 Before JDAT, IDAT and JDAA sRGB 0-1 Before JDAT, IDAT and JDAA bKGD 0-1 Before JDAT, IDAT and JDAA pHYs 0-1 Before JDAT, IDAT and JDAA tIME 0-1 None iTXt 0+ None tEXt 0+ None zTXt 0+ None